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Wednesday 25 January 2012

A film for you..

Hello everyone,

Just a mini blog to share my brush with Hollywood with you..!

I had a fun hour, and a lovely lunch (poached eggs!) with my film maker friend yesterday making a very short film about my latest project -  straight from Twitvid on iPhone to you - amazing!

I sometimes think photos dont do my mosaics justice - you dont see the texture, dimension and sheer vibrancy of them, so I thought a little film-ette might do the trick..

Making it was definitely out of my comfort zone, but whether I like it or not, it's me!  Look out for more..!

What do you think...?  I know I know, I wont give up the day job!



Monday 23 January 2012

Making mosaics 2

'I'm so excited, and I just cant hide it....!' - thanks so much to all my new members and followers - it really means a lot to me .. there are real people out there..- hooray!

Anyway, where was I..?!

Last time, I was writing a bit about my lovely tiles, and the colours, and the textures and the depth. It is true, Im afraid to say, that I do talk to the tiles - much to my childrens' embarrassment!  Well, I do say they are tiles to get you talking! They have to be right or they dont go in.  Once or twice, I have mistakenly thought - 'oh, that will do..' but no!  Every time I look at the mosaic that one tile catches my eye, and its days are numbered and has to come out!

I use the direct method of making mosaics. I draw the design on the MDF or the marine ply - sometimes I have some picture to give me some idea of form and perspective, and sometimes the design just comes out of my head.
I stick the tiles on, using craft PVA. I use MDF for interior mosaics, and treated marine ply for exterior ones - varying the width of the wood, depending on what I am making.  I have about half an hours grace to change my mind about the tiles before they are stuck - Im able to change their position or reject them.  I guess that's why my mosaics take so long to make.

When I've finally finished sticking and I think Im happy with it, I give the mosaic a good coat of looking. I have a window sill in the kitchen, where it goes for a day or two, while I look at it with a critical eye.  My family all have their opinions too - which are mostly relevant and valuable! 

Then, I am ready for the grouting - an art which I learn something new about every time..!

More in my next blog!



Monday 16 January 2012

Making mosaics

Hi there,

It's a beautiful day in Bristol, and I felt a blog coming on!

So, the nitty gritty of what I do - making mosaics - is all completely self taught, which I rather like, because it leaves me absolutely free to create as I like.  I like to hear about other artists' methods, and I have definitely learnt from them, but at the end of the day, I guess, this is what I do, and how I do it, (always evolving),  and it seems to work!  I started off with square tiles making mirrors, photo frames etc, and then one new year, I took the plunge and starting cutting my own - and I haven't looked back!

Cutting your own tiles makes so many things possible - the tile is the limit!  There are the different colours of the tiles to mix - like a painter's pallet.  Then there are the different widths of the tiles, to create an interesting and unusual 3D effect.  And then, of course, there are the infinite shapes I can cut to create the effect I want - movement, distance, detail, atmosphere - all there in the humble tile!

My marlin is an example of this -

Next time, Ill blog a bit about the process of making mosaics , if you fancy reading about that over your coffee and digestive!

Would love to hear from you ..


Thursday 12 January 2012

Studio with a view..

Hello everyone,

I had this great idea (or so I thought..!) of asking other artists on the Folksy forum to show the view from their studios - after all we spend so much time in them, I thought it would be really interesting

As with most things in life, it's a bit more complicated to do than I thought - the photo has to be already on the internet to 'embed' it in your post!

So instead I thought I'd try and post one on my trusty blog, and see if any of my noble band would like to try and post one back to me!

Here goes...

It worked!!
Would love to see what you view when you work...


Monday 9 January 2012


I am very chuffed to have three whole followers - thank you!
My head is full of all this new social networking stuff - never thought Id say that!
But I have to say, it's all been really good so far.  Opportunities for competitions, free advertising, exposure etc etc  that I would never have got before - loads of  people looking at my work - fab!  And if they like it enough to order some, even fabberer!
Also the support and encouragement online makes such a difference - really.  They are not family or friends who have to say they like it, they are people who genuinely seem to, without having to, and that is just so good!  By they, I guess I mean you!
So, without being too gushy, I just want to say thank you, because it means alot.
My next blog will be all things mosaic - promise!


Saturday 7 January 2012

My first blog post!

Welcome to the blog of Just Mosaics!

My name is Felicity Ball, mother of three, mosaic artist, and blogging novice!  Bear with..!

Thanks for reading it, and hopefully becoming one of my noble band of followers!  I hope to post a brief blog at least weekly, and so do look out for them.

I will try to give you an insight into what I do, how I do it, and where I get my inspiration from -  sounds like a bit of therapy for me too!

I would really welcome your comments and hope you'll come back to me.

Spreading the word about my blog would be fab.

Thanks and laters
