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Monday 27 August 2018

An astronomical doorstep mosaic commission

Hello blogger friends,

I just thought I would share with you a recent mosaic commission of mine.  As I often think with my work, there is never a dull moment, and this particular job certainly shows that!

Following a telephone enquiry, my client asked for a mosaic doorstep for her house in the UK reflecting its name - Observatory House. By making it on cement board, using porcelain tiles, exterior grout and sealing it, this was something I could make for her, ensuring it was as enduring as it could possibly be.  We offered two options - two pieces or a triptych design, including two alcoves - she went for latter - see below.

The installation was being done by her own builders - all we asked for were accurate measurements  for the doorstep and a flat surface for it to be laid on.
My client was also celebrating her Ruby wedding anniversary, so she asked us to look into the possibility of showing constellations in the approx place they would have been on their wedding day forty years ago.  An interesting challenge...  But the internet can be a wonderful thing, and we came up with the below constellation map for her. www.posterhaste.com (Excuse the creases - a lot of work, thought and rubbing out went into it!)

Once we had agreed that the constellations were as accurate as possible, we decided on the font for the text.  As you can see, my client wanted Observatory House in Latin and we chose Alegreya SC Regular. 

With the design agreed, I could then get on with the making, to be ready in time for my client's ruby wedding party - no pressure then!  Below is the design drawn on the cement board.  With the tiles having arrived, I was ready to go - let the snipping begin!

 Here are a series of progress pictures ....

And there you have it!
My client also requested a display she could put up in her house with details of the constellations, how I made it etc ....

I hope you enjoyed hearing about this, my latest commission - I am so lucky to have such varied work, and I also know a lot more about the constellations now!
If you have a mosaic project in mind, do get in touch and we can discuss the possibilities - felicityball@justmosaics.co.uk

Until the next time,
Felicity x

PS I have just received the photos of the doorstep in situ - I'm really pleased with it.
