Hello everyone,
My Sacred Heart commission is complete! I delivered the font and side panels today, and they all seemed to go down well! I put heart and soul into my work, so it is always great to hear good things!
Let me talk you through the making of the font!
1. The fibreglass mould of the font - a little bit rough and uneven so lots of filing down to do! Hope I wont get too high on the fumes! |
2The Icythus design - has to be a friendly fish! |
3. Using my fabulous find of metallica tiles to mosaic the fish - difficult to see here, but the tile is a lovely mix of gold and silver. |
4. Starting the mosaic of the base - light in the middle, getting darker towards the edges, flowing water design. |
5. Starting to get a feel of what the finished font might look like - love these colours! |
6. Finished cutting and snipping the base design - happy with that! |
7. Now the sides - four colours, repeated on the opposite panel. |
8. I had to put the font mould at an angle to get the tiles to stick properly! |
9. One more side of the octagon to go! |
10. The last bit of cutting now for the edge - the pieces have to be the same size and sit as flat as possible on a very bumpy surface - I like a challenge! |
11. Now the grouting, which brings its all together - and cuts fingers to shreds! |
12. Sealing the font with a special spray. |
13. Ta dah! |
13. Monsignor Bernard trying the font for size! |
I will get some proper photos taken of the panels and font in situ, once the refurbishment of the church has been finished, and write a final post on it.
Many thanks for following me on this special mosaic journey. If I can ever make anything for you in the future, do get in touch via my website -
Felicity x