Welcome to my studio!
This is a very special place for me and I thought I'd share it with you. A whistle stop tour awaits!
This is where it all happens - my simple, eminently practical work bench! To the left are all my tools, sketch book and tiles colours etc, with the notice board of interesting things above it. |
Side view of the workbench. |
To the left of the workbench is my thinking chair - very comfortable - where I sit and give my mosaics a good coat of looking and decide what to do. My mosaic cards are for sale on my gecko table (available on website!) |
This is the view from my chair - computer (with Dubrovnik sea screen saver!), stationery, daughter's knitting bag..! |
And here is my palette of tiles - I take the baskets (on the middle shelves) which have one sort of tile in each, over to the work bench, and fill them up from supplies, as and when. To me, they are inspiring. |
And finally, this is the view I am fortunate enough to look at every day! All sorts happens along our road which keeps me amused. There are two resident robins I feed on the bird table, when the magpies allow, too! It is always a heartening view, even in the rain!
So, this is where I spend my days, creating mosaics - a great place to be!
Thanks for reading,